WET PUPPY RESCUED FROM FLOOD by Forgotten Dogs With Hope For Dogs + UPDATE VIDEO! The Rescuers' DNA6/8/2017
Great before and after dog rescue video with an update of Pumpkin Pie in a new home. WA2S Films spent time with Kelle Davis, Yvette Holzbach and Holly Kelch, volunteers with Forgotten Dogs of the 5th Ward Project in Houston, TX and filmed them rescuing dogs while we tested out using drones to assist in what is all just a day's work for them. A few streets into their work and they came across a puppy running loose in the street. We pulled over so that Kelle could leave some food for it. Though skittish, the puppy was interested in the food and succumbed to temptation. Kelle was able to secure the puppy, which was a sweet girl. She joined us in the car for her freedom ride! Watch to see Pumpkin Pie's entire story....... Subscribe to the official WA2S Films YouTube Channel for updates and new rescue videos: http://www.youtube.com/WA2Sorg WA2S Films is: Deanna Vollano & Tom McPhee The Rescuers' DNA is filmed on: Sony, Panasonic, and DJI cameras c. 2011 - 2017 All Rights Reserved Hiring WA2S Films for Your Next Branded Shoot Supports the World Animal Awareness Society http://www.WA2S.org/WA2S-Films 818.561.5109 Los Angeles Watch Dog Rescues Save Lives & Support Dog Rescuers!
This is the original rescue video of Mr Cookie + Mr Cookie's Vetting video put together with updates about Alex and 600 Million. Alex Pacheco, Founder and Executive Director of 600 million .org rescues a frightened little dog off the streets of the 5th Ward in Houston during Operation Houston #StrayDogCity. The original video has now surpassed 1 million views and has been used in the fund raising propaganda of 600 million. Kelle, Yvette, and Holly of Forgotten Dogs of the Fifth Ward were making their feeding rounds and outreach calls with Alex in tow to illustrate the dog population crisis that exists in Houston when they came upon Mr Cookie and his friend who lived down the street. Steve Hindi of SHARK - SHowing Animals Respect and Kindness currently has Alex Pacheco and 600 million .org under investigation. Here's a recent video they posted: Is Alex Pacheco Scamming Animal Rights Donors? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTShd... The WA2S has also been trying to obtain the science and trials that are supposed to have taken place over the past half dozen years supporting 600's claims, to no avail. We will continue to watch this non profit and support the efforts of SHARK to get to the bottom of things. Subscribe to the official WA2S Films YouTube Channel for updates and new rescue videos: http://www.youtube.com/WA2Sorg WA2S Films is: Deanna Vollano & Tom McPhee The Rescuers' DNA is filmed with: Sony, Panasonic, and DJI cameras c. 2015 - 2017 All Rights Reserved Hiring WA2S Films for Your Next Branded Shoot Supports the World Animal Awareness Society http://www.WA2S.org/WA2S-Films 818.561.5109 Los Angeles Watch Dog Rescuers Save Lives & Support Dog Rescue!
WA2S Films traveled to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic to observe a mega spay / neuter event that would "fix" up to 400 dogs. We found the experience somewhat schizophrenic as the 2 sides of Punta Cana could not be more different. The massive sprawling resorts - of which there are dozens and dozens - provide for an opulent experience for mostly Europeans who flock to the gorgeous beaches all while ignoring, or not seeing the realities of where the locals live that wait on them night and day. And the animals - well, they are everywhere. There is hope for paws in this town now that people from the resort industry are helping to educate the local citizens on the importance of a community's health as it is measured by its stray, wild, and community dogs. HIRE WA2S FILMS FOR YOUR NEXT BRANDED SHOOT AND HELP US HELP MORE DOGS! http://www.wa2s.org/film--tv Subscribe to the official WA2S Films YouTube Channel for updates and new rescue videos: http://www.youtube.com/WA2Sorg WA2S Films is: Deanna Vollano & Tom McPhee The Rescuers' DNA is filmed with: Sony, Panasonic, and DJI cameras c. 2016 - 2017 All Rights Reserved Hiring WA2S Films for Your Next Branded Shoot Supports the World Animal Awareness Society http://www.WA2S.org/WA2S-Films 818.561.5109 Los Angeles Watch These Rescue Videos & Support Rescuers