We got a call on our helpline to rescue a street dog suffering from advanced mange. Her skin was covered in painful scabs and flies swarmed around her emaciated body.
She looked like an old and dying dog when we rescued her, but meet Cherry today after 6 weeks of treatment! She has completely recovered from mange, she's been spayed, vaccinated and loved.
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When we got a call on our helpline to rescue an injured street dog, we found her in a critical condition walking in a daze on the side of the road with a terribly infected wound on her back. She was emaciated and seemed like she didn't really know what was going on, she just kept walking. We brought her back to Animal Aid to urgently give her IV fluids and other medicine to treat her severe dehydration and infection.
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We got a call on our rescue helpline to help a street dog in Udaipur, India, who had been hit by a car. When our rescuers arrived, we found him in the middle of an inner-city road with his back legs strangely stretched out in front of him, unable to stand or even move without great pain and difficulty.
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We got a call on our helpline to rescue a street dog who was badly injured. When our rescue team arrived he was very shy and wouldn't let us touch him. He was hungry so he stayed near enough to eat the biscuits we offered him, but we soon realised we wouldn't be able to catch him by hand.
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We got a call on our helpline to rescue a badly injured street dog in Udaipur, India. We were told that he had been hit by a car. He had injuries not only on his head and fore-arm, but his inner thigh had several deep lacerations that were bleeding. Just watch to see how happy he is after healing!
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We found him collapsed on the side of the street, severely wounded. His body had completely given up and we believe that if we hadn't rescued him right when we did he likely wouldn't have survived another day. The side of his head was being eat away by maggots and his ear was completely destroyed.
He also had mange, was emaciated and old. It was easy to imagine him completely giving up on life, but this old boy wasn't ready to say goodbye. As soon as we began his treatment he responded and started to grow stronger day by day.
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A street dog in Udaipur, India, was found trapped in a drum of tar where we believe she had stuck and completely unable to move for several days. Animal Aid Unlimited's rescue team found the sweet dog hyperventilating and terrified, trapped chest-deep in tar inside the drum. We think she may have gone inside the drum to get warm during the night, and that her own body heat started to melt the tar which she then sank into and was unable to free herself from. When we found her she was no longer struggling and seemed to have completely given up all hope.
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Animal Aid Unlimited runs one of India's busiest helplines for street animals in Udaipur, India. Every year we rescue thousands of street animals with the help of compassionate people in Udaipur.
Most cities in India do not have rescue centers or shelters for un-owned animals, and hundreds of thousands of animals across the country are left without help.
AAU passionately believes that street animal rescue is one of the most effective ways to not only save precious animals but to involve and motivate the local community to care for street animals who are often otherwise over-looked and forgotten.
Founded in 2002, today AAU receives between 50 - 70 calls on our emergency helpline every single day, making Udaipur one of India's most responsive cities for street animal rescue. Support Dog Rescues Watch our Dog Rescue Series
We got a call on our helpline to rescue a newborn calf who had just been dumped by a dairy owner. The little boy calf was still wet with afterbirth. He had been dumped and left to die on the side of the road so that he wouldn't drink any of his mother's milk.
Today Dil is 2 months old and will live at our shelter for the rest of his life.
When we found Millie she was unable to stand, lying collapsed in the rain by the side of the road. She was too sick to get out of the rain and find shelter. We found that she was suffering from an advanced case of pyometra (infection in her uterus) and needed urgent surgery or else she would not survive. Watch her beautiful recovery!