Stray Dog Takes Over Abandoned House And DAWG Makes Room At The DAWGHous: Ep 10 Detroit Dog Saviors1/2/2019
This stray dog was rescued from an abandoned house he took over. The WA2S Films American Strays team was called by US mail Carrier Paulette whom we met earlier. She let us know of this dog that was by itself in an empty, abandoned house. We also had an opportunity to meet Annette - a neighbor who has been keeping a watch on this pooch pal. this is just around the corner from where we rescued Miss Mayfield, Jarrod, Gabrielle & Troy 2 weeks earlier. Here's all three of there of their rescues: Stray Dog Acting Weird Rescues A Gorgeous Female! Ep #7 Detroit Dog Saviors Stray Dog Reveals Big Surprise to Dog Rescuers on Video! Ep #8 Detroit Dog Saviors Secret Homeless Puppy Rescue with Hope For Paws By DAWG & Lori Briggs on Detroit Dog Saviors EP # 9 These Detroit Dog Saviors are committed to saving dogs off the streets of Detroit. Watch as Kelley LaBonty of Detroit Animal Welfare Group (DAWG) responds to pick this fella up - although she already has a fairly full facility. DAWG relies heavily on foster folks to help build the bridge from living on the street to living with a family. If you would like to adopt this dog, go to: This video was created with the financial assistance of donors across the globe including: Associate Producer, Diane Donnelly of The Donnelly Group. Subscribe to the official WA2S Films YouTube Channel for updates and new rescue videos: WA2S Films is: Deanna McPhee & Tom McPhee Detroit Dog Saviors is filmed with: Sony, Panasonic, and DJI cameras c. 2017 All Rights Reserved Hiring WA2S Films for Your Next Branded Shoot Supports the World Animal Awareness Society 818.561.5109 Los Angeles Narration courtesy of Vocal artist Mark Rider: Watch Dog Rescues & Support Dog Rescues!