Hope For Paws: Rescue Dog Abandoned by Animal Control #9 Rescuing Rogue with Detroit Pit Crew9/27/2016
This hope for paws dog rescue and animal aid unlimited is part of the Rescuing Rogue series with Detroit Pit Crew Dog Rescue ( the most efficient & transparent dog rescue in Detroit ) featuring Terri Sumpter. Produced by WA2S Films: http://www.WA2S.org
Julie & Oscar from Colorado join Terri on the streets of Detroit on a rainy Monday to observe her work as a dog rescuer. The rescue of this Boxer mix was at the home of Star on the west side of Detroit. Star has been trying to get someone from Detroit Animal Care and Control to take a stray dog she found for 5 days. This episode of Rescuing Rogue highlights a major issuing currently plaguing the city of Detroit - lack of city services to the community by the municipal shelter, Detroit Animal Care and Control. This beautiful dog was determined to have a microchip once it finally made it Center Line Veterinary Hospital where it was discovered with a quick scan. Look for an update on this dog and whether or not the owner showed up after receiving a call about the dog from the microchip information. If this dog had been taken to or picked up by Michigan anti Cruelty Society, it is our understanding of what Star was saying, it would have been killed. |