This puppy dog rescue is part of the Rescuing Rogue series with Detroit Pit Crew Dog Rescue ( the most efficient & transparent dog rescue in Detroit ) featuring Terri Sumpter. Produced by WA2S Films:
Erika lives and goes to school in SW Detroit. Just a couple days ago she found puppies on the way to a friends house close to her school. These 2 adorable abandoned puppies, Erika & Sandra will have a life fulfilled thanks to her generosity and the swift work of Terri & James Sumpter of Detroit Pit Crew Dog Rescue. This episode of Rescuing Rogue begins at a demonstration of the Michigan Anti Cruelty Society - MACS in Detroit. There is a surprise at the end - even we didn't know it happened until you see it here in this video. One less dog incinerated on this day by the Michigan Anti Cruelty Society. Help the city of Detroit and Detroit Animal Care and Control. Volunteer with WA2S Films and you too can help Detroit Animal Care and Control: |