Leah Montgomery is one of the thousands of poor people who live in Detroit and keeps many dogs. To some, Leah is a nuisance, to others a hero. It's hard to deny Leah's passion as she defiantly tends to an ever growing menagerie of dogs she collects or has bestowed upon her. No stranger to authorities, Leah is surprised when she is confronted by a Vigilante Hoard bent on separating her from her dogs. Executive Director of the World Animal Awareness Society and American Strays series Producer & Director, Tom McPhee dives deep into the issues and circumstances that affect both people and canine in this derelict, yet dynamically changing city. HIRE WA2S FILMS FOR YOUR NEXT BRANDED SHOOT AND HELP US HELP MORE DOGS! http://www.wa2s.org/film--tv Subscribe to the official WA2S Films YouTube Channel for updates and new rescue videos: http://www.youtube.com/WA2Sorg WA2S Films is: Deanna Vollano & Tom McPhee Detroit Dog Saviors is filmed with: Sony, Panasonic, and DJI cameras c. 2011 - 2017 All Rights Reserved Hiring WA2S Films for Your Next Branded Shoot Supports the World Animal Awareness Society http://www.WA2S.org/WA2S-Films 818.561.5109 Los Angeles Support Dog Rescues - Watch Dog Rescuers Save Lives!