Much of the world views dogs as trusted companions or protectors, but in some parts of Asia, they suffer terribly as victims of the trade in dog meat for human consumption. Humane Society International is one of many NGO's around the world that are looking for ways to end the dog meat trade. Read More About Dog Eating Here: EAT (YULIN DOG MEAT), DRINK AND BE MERRY and here: YULIN ANNUAL DOG MEAT EATING FESTIVAL - HUMANE SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL INVESTIGATION CONCLUSIONS WSPA - the World Society for the Protection of Animals states: Every year, an estimated 25 million dogs are killed for people to eat. They suffer throughout their short lives. Commercial dog meat production is inherently cruel. The animals suffer at every stage, from farming (or capture) through to transport, sale and slaughter. Dog meat is being sold to people who are told, and many believe, that certain "exotic" foods like dog meat are therapeutic and hold special nutritional value. International Aid for Korean Animals - IAKA has been documenting the trade for some time. Soi Dog Foundation reports that dogs are brought into neighboring countries from Thailand by the 10's of thousands and are disturbingly, inhumanely butchered. Although many of the dogs sadly die from suffocation before ever reaching their intended destination. That fate was kinder than what occurs when the surviving dogs do actually make it to the neighboring countries. Some dogs are beaten and tortured? It is believed to be a form of meat tenderizing. Some dogs are even still alive when their fur is being removed. A leader in the fight to end eating of dog meat in parts of Asia, Soi Dog Foundation believes they are gaining a foothold on this appalling practice. Soi Dog Foundation works with the Humane Society International (HSI) to end this cruelty. HSI participates in raids on trucks crammed with dogs headed for slaughter. HSI also provides funding to train officials to improve enforcement of laws and to support the care for confiscated animals. In February of this year (2014) HSI reported that the Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam governments agreed to end the inhumane dog meat trade. The details regarding this action can be found here In October of 2013, A total of 33 stalls belonging to the ‘Three Birds of Dali Markets’ and a dog slaughterhouse, situated in Nanhai – Foshan (Guangdong Province), were closed by Chinese authorities, following Animal Equality‘s latest investigation in collaboration with Last Chance for Animals. More from Animal Equality. Change for Animals Foundation - CFAF, along with Humane Society International, Soi Dog Foundation, Animals Asia have formed the Asia Canine Protection Alliance (ACPA). A coalition committed to improving the welfare of dogs across Asia by ending the inhumane trade in dogs for human consumption. ACPA’s initial focus is to end the illegal trade of dogs from Thailand, Laos and Cambodia into Vietnam, where an estimated 5 million dogs are slaughtered every year.
The World Animal Awareness Society launched a campaign to observe the Asian dog meat trade closer and share the stories of the non profits and world animal welfare organizations that are fighting to end it. The WA2S is currently building a database of information about this issue. |