Please share Penelope's story with all your friends! Penelope surely would have died if the American Strays Canine Survey team didn't find her on the streets of Detroit! Included at the bottom of this blog is the story of Penny - "Penny Goes To Prison" in 3 parts, allowing you to see the amazing transformation of Penny and her very long journey to get there! See below.
What if educating our youth would end this neglect and abuse? Would you make a pledge to share this video? This video is part of an action campaign for the Good Pet Guardian Lesson Plans for Detroit students which is a component of the American Strays 2030 Project. The World Animal Awareness Society, together with the help of hundreds of rescues, large and small, all across America can stem the growing tide of homeless, abandoned, and stray dogs. WA2S Films could present dozens of clips from the field just like this every single day for every city we work in! Can you image seeing 10 - 12 videos like this from Detroit everyday? What about Houston, Memphis, Jacksonville, Charlotte, Chicago, Los Angeles, Portland, San Antonio, Miami, Dallas, Tucson. I could go on and on and on! The work for everyone is never ending. Does it make sense for the tens of thousands of people who are watching this video and reading this post to pour every ounce of avarice into a post about this dog on Facebook? This is absolutely your opportunity to do SOMETHING DIFFERENT TO FIX THE PROBLEMS associated with stray dogs in the US. The Founder of the World Animal Awareness Society, Tom McPhee, is all too familiar with this issue having spent 3 years post Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans creating filmed content that helped hundreds of the citizens of NOLA relocate their animals (FAMILY MEMBERS) after the cataclysmic disaster. Question? Who believes the animals of NOLA are better off now than before the hurricane? Did we learn anything in the last 10 years? Here's a link to the award-winning movie, The Greatest Pet Rescue Ever! Wouldn't you like to be able to know where all the at-risk animals in your neighborhood are? That is the opportunity the American Strays Canine Survey presents, The American Strays Canine Survey is a component of the American Strays 2030 Project - here are some very useful links: Project level: American Strays 2030 Project Component level: Good Pet Guardian Lesson Plans - essential lesson plans taught over 8 to 10 weeks to all students - Detroit online - other cities preparing Component level: American Strays Canine Survey - if you cannot quantify the problem, how do you expect to resolve it? American Strays Canine Survey is being deployed in more than 20 cities in the US, is your city one of them? If you think it should be,let us know. Component level: American Strays the TV series - a film series highlighting the work rescues endure in places like Detroit (filming in 2015 in Houston, New Orleans, Dallas, San Antonio - should your city be included?) This is where you can find all the videos from the Detroit series. Included below is Penny Goes To Prison in 3 parts, allowing you to see the amazing transformation on Penny and the long journey to get there! See below. The World Animal Awareness Society is accepting requests to join the volunteer ranks in our 20 target cities here - think you can cut it? This abuse is happening right now in Detroit and most major cities in America every day and you can STOP it! If all you have to do to make it stop, is make a small donation and forward this message, will you? For frequent updates with new filmed content, subscribe here: To be the first to receive all updates from the World Animal Awareness Society - subscribe here: To make a donation to the award-winning non profit World Animal Awareness Society and ensure this game-changing work continues: To engage WA2S Films and document abuse and neglect in your community: Please, make a difference, not just a remark in a comment section on a social media post. It does not matter that you may not have any resources, you CAN do more than bitch about things! The World Animal Awareness Society challenges you to BE THE CHANGE! We are, and you can join us! |